
Best Paper Awards in Computer Science (since 1996)
Dec 23, 2014

1996년 이후 Computer Science 분야에서 Best Paper상 받은 논문들 정리.

The Product Management Triangle
Jun 28, 2014

Product managers, among other things, specialize in building bridges between the very general (e.g, a vision for changing the world), and the very specific (e.g., functional requirements for a single button). Ironically, the discipline of product management itself is missing this bridge. We lack a clear framework for connecting the high order duties of product management with the day-to-day realities of execution. I’ve invented the graphical model of the product management triangle to be this bridge and provide a foundation for deeper exploration into product management topics.

10 Articles Every Programmer Must Read
May 20, 2014

1. You need to know math to be a good programmer. 2. You need to learn math to get the skills you need for programming. 3. Plenty of programming is still math!

Don’t learn to code. Learn to think
May 20, 2014

코딩을 배우기보단, 생각하는법을 배워라: 컴퓨터 과학은 생각하는 새로운 방법입니다. 그것의 개념은 기술로 가득찬 세상의 모든 사람들에게 유용함을 제공함에 있습니다. 프로그래밍은 생각의 새로운 방법을 적용하는, 컴퓨터 과학을 배우는데 필수적인 부분입니다. 하지만 그 자체가 프로그래밍의 일반적인 목적에 가까운 것은 아닙니다.

Why Python is Slow: Looking Under the Hood
May 15, 2014

Python is slow. And one big reason for that, as we've seen, is the type indirection under the hood which makes Python quick, easy, and fun for the developer. And as we've seen, Python itself offers tools that can be used to hack into the Python objects themselves.

Why programming is difficult
Feb 09, 2014

프로그래밍은 왜 어려울까요? 다른사람이 짠 프로그램을 유지보수하고, 배울 시간이 허락하지 않고, 컨텍스트 스위칭 등 좋지 않은 환경 등을 기술함

How Spotify builds products
Jan 29, 2013

Our core philosophy is: We create innovative products while managing risk by prototyping early and cheaply. We don’t launch on date, we launch on quality. We ensure that our products go from being great at launch to becoming amazing, by relentlessly tweaking after launch.

10 Technical Papers Every Programmer Should Read (At Least Twice)
Sep 09, 2011

모든 프로그래머들이 두번이상 읽어야할 기술 논문들.

How Complex Systems Fail
Jan 29, 2010

복잡한 시스템이 어떻게해서 문제를 일으키는지에 대한 글. 시스템이 아닌 일반적인 업무에도 적용해도 될 듯.

What every programmer should know about memory, Part 1
Jan 12, 2008

모든 프로그래머가 알아야 메모리에 대한 지식.